Ruth's character reflects the biblical vision of the ideal woman: "Who can find a brave woman? She is more precious than jewels" (Proverbs 31:10). The book of Ruth is known for its literary richness and surprisingly shows us in only four short chapters the remarkable qualities of Ruth's character as a woman. Ruth: She shines like a precious jewel in this whole story. After hearing Naomi's advice to return to her people, she makes a momentous decision to join God's people.
We know that Ruth was not Jewish, her husband met her when they emigrated with his family from Bethlehem to Moab because of the famine in those times. Later on, her father-in-law died and ten years later her husband and brother-in-law died, leaving these three women alone. Naomi decided to return to her homeland and sent her daughters-in-law away, but Ruth vehemently refused to leave her:
Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16-18 NIV
When Ruth stayed with Naomi, she also stayed with the God that Naomi worshiped. This is how the story begins; and it ends as many of us know, with Ruth becoming the ascendant of King David, and, consequently, of our Lord Jesus Christ. We see the work of God in the heart of Ruth progressively. She came from a pagan country, but embraced the true faith, committed herself to following the true God, caring for Naomi and staying with her, despite the difficult situation that awaited her.
Just like this story, I have observed something similar in the communities that we are working with through the organization; I always see a Ruth and a Naomi. No matter what difficult circumstances they are going through they are always fighting for their family and children to get ahead.
They are women who are devoted to the Lord and see how God shows his faithfulness and provision for their families. The woman who fears the Lord not only grows in strength, dignity, security and wisdom, but also contributes to the lives of others by teaching them love and kindness. As women we are called to nurture and build our homes with love and wisdom by surrendering attitudes, words, dreams, and recognition, for the benefit of Christ's witness.
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:25-26 ESV
As women, we must clothe ourselves with strength and dignity, facing the future with security and faith in God. Let us always remember the message of Proverbs 31:25-26, and strive to live by these words. Don't forget that you are a woman of influence.

Yeny is the daughter of Norma Morales, a hardworking woman who raised her four children as a single mother for many years. Because of her, they were able to have an education. Their mother’s strength and dedication has yielded much fruit. Yeny is married to Lario Pita with whom she has two sons, James and Matthew.